Page name: Hide out basement [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-11-04 21:24:46
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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2013-01-31 [ancienteye]: I think Luki or Nova should post next.

2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Who should be the next post?

2013-02-01 [ancienteye]: Does Luki know Fern made the Blood Games? I don't remember if she mentioned it to him or not. :/

2013-02-01 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: who has the next post?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Umm that bottle wouldn't be there.
Yes, Luki does.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: So Nova told him, or was it from his own sources?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: oh ok i didn`t know

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: His own sources.
Tis alright just another reason to ask.^_^

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: ok so is it Luki`s turn now

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Be back soon.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Back

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Sorry that I keep making more NPCs Kbird, but we've got entire unnamed armies in this RP!

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Perfactly fine.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: And umm this place dosn't really have much of the same stuff it used to.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: ??? What do you mean?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Oh sorry I forgot to added "It used to"

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Ah. Now it makes sense. :P

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: *evil laughter* I really am addicted to Image search, now. XP

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i`d say so

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: The last one was actually the first I chose because I remembered seeing it somewhere else and it reminds me of the song Kbird chose the most. :P

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Awsome!!

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: wait are you making another character?! or just uploading!=D

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Either/or. :P I figured there's two to three Greco bros, but I didn't want twins or triplets so my critera was "similar, but /not/ identical". Thoughts?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: 2 and 4 really look alike.....<img:stuff/mood2-gif.gif><img:44166_1164469610.gif>

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: You are labeling them like:
1                           2
3                           4

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Yes.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: ...So number one is out of the running for a Greco bro?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: HE'S TO CUTE to not do something with.....but I keep think it is a girl passing as a guy...>.>

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1359785783.jpg><- this guy looks kinda like four.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: ...So is it a competition between two sets of two for who the Greco's are, or are you suggesting four brothers? 'Cause two and four are my favorites... :/
Should we bring Crimson in to vote?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: yes crimson should be brought in.
maybe we could use one for something else...

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Should I message Crimson?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i sent her a wiki invite

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: okay!

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm.... Am I needed or something?

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: OMG THE BLONDE!

...Or does he? O_o *thinking face*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm confused.... Explain it please.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: we are looking for the three that look the most alike.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Or would make the best set of brothers. Not twins or triplets, though. Hey, what do ya think they should be? Species-wise?

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: These three could be brothers.


2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: I don't know why but they just scream Vampire to me... Or maybe werewolves...

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: I KNOW!!*Deep thinking face* We have to many Vampires,Wherewolf,

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: how about demons

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Nice selection, Crimson. :P I think we know which pics are the Greco brothers, now.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, but you guys do realize that this... ---><img200*0:> is Itachi Uchiha.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: what anime?

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, Naruto... He's Sasuke's older brother.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: I recognize the coloring, but the hair is all wrong. The person who made that fanart must've done used some major artistic elbow room. =_____= He doesn't even have the tear duct lines.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: They're there, you just can't see them from his hair.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: isn't that dud evil.....GAHHH WE ARE GETTING OF TRAKE, WHAT SPECIES!!

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i suggested demons

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Kbird, his allignment would be a spoiler. XP Naughty, naughty~

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: It would be a spoiler... *is trying to resit the urge to spoil things*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i could say it but i`m not going to

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: I suggested Werewolves.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: ...We need a balance in characters. What do we have on the bad guys' side so far?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: O.O We have to many wherewolf...Will does have a that Hell is open demons are now a specie choice

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: ...In that case we need to add that to the list on the main page, huh? :/

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Bad guys: Vampire,Wherewolf,Vampire S, & Zombie

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: and demons can pass as humans if they choose to

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Demons then. :D But what kind?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: don`t know

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: We're abusing Naruto as it is, so let's use a demonic mythology from /outside/ Japan. XP

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Fire demons maybe...

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/mood1-gif.gif>.....Oh yeah...that works....

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: We don't even have first names for them, but their last name--Greco--is actually an Italian name meaning "from Greece". :P

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: lets go with fire

Dean:*sniff the air*why am I smelling smoke for

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: How about Blaine, Blaze and Desmond?

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: The names are awesome, but who is who? The three all have different eyes, by the way. Red, green, and grey.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: <img300*0:> Desmond



2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Sexy Is BLAINE!!

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol They're all sexy. :D

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: THAT WORKS!

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: They're all awesome~ By the by, Kbird? Go nuts with them. :P I have no plan for their personalities, but Fern is honest with them and they each have their own unique attitudes. No "siblings act alike".

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Awesome. :D

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: I have four sibs..I know. lol

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: I only have one sibling.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Just letting you know since the whole "clerk twins" thing, that the Greco's are /not/ like them. >.< The clerks share a brain, and it is boy-crazed...

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Meko is more tame and sweet Maniko is kinda tomboyish oh but Meko does have a mean strike

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: But they talk at the same time and giggle together! While I appreciate the subtle differences, I want the /similarities/ to be the subtle part for these three.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Got ya I think I've got an idea of them.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Stupid Elftown messed up on me...

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Same here. I wasn't able to get on it for a while... :/

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: same here thought I was the only one

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: *to Kbird* Ooooh~ What's your plan? :)

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: who`s turn is it to post?

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern's had her say. I'm waiting for Luki, or the announcement of the Greco brothers. Whichever. :P

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: A thought just came to me. both Dean and Chris can control fire and we decided that the Greco brothers are fire demons, so Fern has a small force that can cause trouble for the government

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fire-wise, yep. :P

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: This could work to our advantage*evil smirk*

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I don't know. It seems a little off-balance..." :/
Maybe the Grecos should each be a different element? Maybe it corresponds with their eye colors?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: maybe. Red would be fire, green earth, and Grey i don`t know

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Wind?
Let's wait for Crimson and Kbird to come on and contribute before we decide for sure, though.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i agree lets wait

Dean: sure lets wait

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: *for when Kbird or Crimson logs on* ...If we go with the multiple elements, should there be a fourth, blue-eyed brother, or maybe a sister, since Fern seems to only have male subordinates so far? XP
Or maybe someone that you can't quite tell?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: yeah we could go with a sister and blue could either be water/ice or lightning

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Someone you can't quite tell! :D

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: SOME ONE YOU CANT TELL!!! ICE AND WATER!!!=D

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: YES! :D

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: So I'm guessing the different elements and four sibs instead of three are also yeses? XP

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: YEP!

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Ahhh what are the names again?

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Blaine, Blaze, Desmond, and now there's fourth one.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: it should be a unisex name....hmmm

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...We should probably add them to the NPC page once we figure out the name.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: yeah.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]:

I need opinions! I want to make a half ice demon character, but I need help picking a picture.


2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Darryl is unisex. :/
I've seen most of these before. Nice selection. :P
2, 4, 5, and 9. For the Ice demon look, that is. :P In aesthetic appeal alone, 2 and 3 are my favs.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: 6 is from Oa No exorist!! Oh umm 5 I really like...and own hehe

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Aoi No Exorcist, Kbird. :P
Hey, how come Luki has no subordinates, yet?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Most of them are on they're way back from missons.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'll go with 5 then. :D

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: =D yay!

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: So how old does 5 look to you?

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: 12-15. Hard to tell from the angle he's in...

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Fern's talking about the night she got drunk, by the way. XP

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: I kind of want him to look younger than he really is. lol

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: 18?

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Ok.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Kbird, you're up.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Shouldn't Blaze, Blaine, Desmond, and Darryl Greco's pictures be added to the NPC page? :/
Also, because I'm snoopy and curious and Fern is supposed to know these people, can I have a sneak peek at how these characters act and what they think of their co-workers (Fern, Graham, Mark)?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: lol Ok Blaine is kinda a punk but does his job well he teams up with Graham to give Fern a hard time alot.Blaze uselly is more quit but when he does talk he tends to be straght forward with you, he is very good with planning supposidly has a very good sense of humar and actully helped with some pranks.
Desmond is like ,his picture hints, a ladys man he tends to be on the same page as Fern he has gotten in a few fights with Graham nothing really bad though....he gets along very well with Mark.
Darryl is rather talkitive and shares Graham's curiousity, likes to act inoccent and naive Darryl also likes to play on the fact that no one knows what gender it is and has people call it a it or by name....and loves animals...also likes to try and ride Mark like a hourse.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...Given your description of Desmond, I'm guessing that his saying Fern was interesting when she was drunk is just another reason for her to stay away from Graham's cocktails? XP

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: yeah....>.>

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Imma just guessing here. :P I can never decide how Fern acts drunk. Pretty much the only thing I know for sure is that because of her leg, there wouldn't be much running, jumping, or climbing involved. So you can make whatever suggestions or inferences you want about her intoxicated behavior. =^_^=

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yay!^-^

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: It's not like Fern can remember a *bleep* thing about that night, anyways. XP

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: yeah but they can still tease :3

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: The fact that she can't remember and all the references they make only strengthens her resolve to not get drunk (so it would take a very compicated series of events to make it happen again). XP She /hates/ not being in control, so losing control of herself is terrifying...
What exactly do you have in mind? X3 *curious*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Hey I can always try to get her drunk again =D

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...Not for a while. :/ I play her and for some reason Drunk!Fern is the only side of Fern I can't get a grasp on...

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: lol It take a while to figure out how to get her drunk!

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...True. XP But seriously, what are your suggestions? What would you see her doing if she was drunk of her rocker? >:P It sounds like you already have a basic idea of what /kind/ of drunk she is.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Well for the most part I see her beting the crap out of things...and people

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: O.O What!

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: You seem shocked. Did you have a different idea? :P

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: what do you think Fern would act like when she's drunk?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: i don`t know

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: <:O awww can't you geuss?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: nope but my brother tends to fight when he is drunk

Will:*bleep*ing jerk

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: I'm open to suggestions~
Fern: "I hate you all for this." <img:44166_1164145101.gif>
Me: "Too bad~" <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Fern* I`m not in this

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: What if she act the complete oppiset of her usall?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: that could work

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: How do you mean? I mean, Fern's personality kind of changes with whoever is in the room at the time, so you'll have to be more specific...

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Like she is super nice kinda a flirt uhhh prunkster...

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...I could actually see that more than the aggressive drunk. :P The fact is, she doesn't have Mark and Jace's close-combat abilities, so if she was an angry drunk, Mark would have to stand next to her the entire time. e____e So I think that idea works better~ =^_^= And it still fits with what Desmond said.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yeah.^-^

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: So are Dean, Graham and the Grecos gonna RP down here for a while as Fern, Nova and Luki keep exploring?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: that kinda my plan

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: sure!

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Question: So far Mark seems to be the only non-soul-sucker that remotely gets along with Aspen, so what are Lilly and the Greco siblings' opinions of her?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Desmond dosn't really like her Blaine & Darryl like her because she is fun, Blaze dosn't know what to make of her, & Lilly gets annoyed with how Aspen likes making people think see is always watching.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Okay. =^_^= ...I can never quite tell for sure, what is Mark's opinion of Aspen? He seems to talk more to her than most people.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: He enjoys talking to her and her interaction with others.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Really? XP I guess even Mark likes watching Fern and Aspen butt heads from time to time... Who else seems to enjoy their interactions, whether or not they particularly like either of them?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Luki and Nova.....Graham butts heads with Aspen because she stills his snooping job.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: I understand why Aspen is respectful towards Luki and Nova, but her friendliness towards Mark was honestly an impulsive thing for me. :/ I have no clue what Aspen's connection with Mark is...
But Graham's makes sense. XP

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: lol yeah....Mark gives her tips on who or where to really keep an eye on sometimes.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Ah. :P I just find it funny how Aspen seems to hate everyone but Mark. 'Cause you know she'd be just as disrespectful to Luki and Nova as she is to everyone else if they weren't soul-suckers.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: yeah I kind of figured...>_> I'm mean she seemed kinda mocking
about Nova before Nova showed up.

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "...I have no idea what you're talking about." *shifty eyes*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Nova:"Yes, what are you talking about."

Me:Oh umm.....nothing.

2013-02-04 [ancienteye]: Note: Mark and Graham are the only ones who know about Fern's trick knee. Everyone else either has no clue or only knows through observation that she is unable to run, but not why.
...And I realize that Fern is strange in that she is "anti-weak", yet she does not possess the average werewolf's footspeed and leg agility. *still trying to figure that one out* >_______________>"

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: lol yeah I noticed a while ago...maybe it happened in a fight.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Maybe. :/ But Mark is equal to Jace in strength and footspeed (Jace has better reflexes, but Mark has sharper senses), so he's always beeen the "muscle" in their dynamic.

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: that would be interesting seeing Mark and Jace fight.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yep. :P
Bye. :(

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: bye.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Idea: Fern probably learned manipulation from her mom, who was most likely a more common type of manipulater: The Seductress. I bet eventually someone caught on and wasn't happy about it. Bonus points if that someone was human and that led to Fern's injured leg. That'd explain why she hates humans above everything else. :P It also probably taught her what all could go wrong with seduction and led her to become the "maternal manipulator", instead.

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: yeah that would make sense.=D

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Hey, Fern is 24 and I've mentioned before that Graham's known her for at least ten years. How do you think they met?

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: Maybe Graham was on his and tried to stell from her?

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